1. Marriage- I'm thankful for this. It is not for everyone, but I'm happy that it is for me and that I'm married to the smartest, most handsome, helpful, understanding, funny, upright, most wonderful man. He is my best friend and I am very lucky to have him as my husband. I know most of my family/friends would think of their husbands in similar terms so I don't feel bad for putting Jared on such a high pedestal.
2. Momma and Mothers- I'm thankful for my Momma. I can talk to her about anything and she's the best mom in the entire world. She is my favorite gal pal and I love hanging out with her. I also included mothers in with my momma because I have a wonderful mother-in-law and a mother I don't know. Jared's mom is "Mom Gott" to me. I know I can also go to her for anything and I'm so blessed to call her mother as well. She has always treated me as a daughter and I'm very proud to be part of her family. I am extremely lucky to have ended up with such a great mother-in-law when I married Jared. The next mother I'm thankful for is a mother I don't know and probably will never know. This lady is my birth mother and I'm happy that she had me. She, for some reason could not care for me and decided to give me up to someone who would love and care for me. I don't know much about her, but I know that she cared enough to see to it that I was born in a hospital and taken care of after that. I am thankful for her and the choices she made regarding myself. I have found joy in all aspects in my life and I hope by being here I have brought joy to others as well. I wish today that Dad started with "M". I am thankful for them as well. But I will go on and save "D" for someone else.
3. Mercy- I am thankful for God's mercy to us. Our God is a merciful God and it is because of his mercy that we are here and that we can one day be with him in heaven. We fall so short so many times of what he wants us to be, but still he has mercy for us and forgives us when we come back to him. I am thankful for God's mercy. I hope that I can be merciful to others as well as so many are to me.
4. Money- Although this may sound shallow at first, we all should be thankful for money. I am thankful that God has blessed us with enough money to live on and share at times with others. I am thankful for Jared's job. I am thankful that my family had enough money to raise me and Chandler and put us through school. I have never known want and I've always lived in comfort. I'm thankful for the money that I have been blessed with to live in comfort beyond which I deserve.
5. Music- I was excited when I thought of this one. Not only do I love music so much that I majored in it, but it is also the name of my Papa. Goebel Music is his name and I'm thankful for him and the work he has done for the Lord. I am very very proud to be his grand-daughter and I want everyone to know he is my Papa even though I know it is not proper to go up to people and shout - "Hey, Guess what?? I'm Goebel Music's grand-daughter! Isn't that Great??" Most people don't know I'm related to him because one I don't go around telling everyone; two my Mom is his daughter and since she is married Music is her maiden name; and three I'm asian and I think most people think my parents are asian. Although Papa did a lot of mission work in East Asia he is not Asian. :)
6. Maroon and Gold- These are the colors of Freed-Hardeman University. It is where I went to college and where I met my husband and closest friends. It is because of this University that my husband has a job. And it is from this University that my husband is getting his MBA. (Which also starts with M) I'm thankful most of all for the University's stand for a sound Christian education. I hope that it stays strong in such wavering times.
7. Medicine and Medical Help- This is of a particular concern to me, because I am not feeling well. I'm not going to write about my symptoms as of yet, but I am thankful that we have medicines to make us better and educated Doctors to find out what are problems are. We are blessed to live in such advanced medical times. I shudder to think how short my life could be if I had lived 100 years earlier.
8. Military- I'm thankful for our military that keeps us safe. There are many brave young men and even women that are enduring hardships, torture, and death, to keep our country free and safe. War is not pretty or fun. The book, The Red Badge of Courage is coming to mind right now. I think it may talk about the ugliness of war. I'm thankful for these men and women that give of themselves to protect a country that they believe in. I pray that they are kept safe and that they are able to come home quickly. I also pray that in the present and future this country will still be one worth fighting for and that we can still believe in it.
9. Microwaves- I am thankful for microwaves. They make it so easy to zap the food that I am too lazy to cook or thaw.
10. Maltipoos- I am thankful for these cute and cuddly dogs and I can't wait when it is my turn to finally own one!!
Good list, Sasha. I love what you said about your birth mother. Hope you get to feeling better, too!!
I love those "M" things. You almost made me cry (I did tear up) with M is for Momma and Mother!!
Oh and I like your M&M girl. That was creative!!
What a great list. The M&M Sasha really made it perfect. :)
Great job! You were so thoughtful -as always! Hope all is going well and you feel better soon!
Great job on your list! Praying your medical concerns are resolved SOON!
I love your list! I hope you're feeling better soon.
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