Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lily is home!!


Born 5-20-09.
Tomorrow is Vet day. I'll get her weight then.
She is a maltipoo. 3/4 maltese and 1/4 poodle.
She's white with an apricot patch from left ear going down to left eye. Some apricot on right eye and a dot of it on her head. I always thought I would get pure white, but she was my favorite. The cutest and the most responsive to us.
She was fearless when she met us. Out of her two sisters she didn't shake at all. When we put her down she was the most active out of the litter. She even pottied on command when I wanted her to go before we left (I think that was a fluke).

Here are some pictures of her homecoming.

She played in my lap on the way home and then went to sleep in my arms. She was so good on the two hr. drive home!! She didn't whine once and she never pottied or got sick! Good car dog!!

First picture with her daddy!!

First time eating at her food/water station!

Got a dry piece... and liked it!

She loves her new stuffed duck toy!!

I'm using the Dr. Pepper can so my dad can see how big she is.

"Hmm.. this is a cold one Mommy!!"

Thankfully her nose didn't stick to the can!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Best Present EVER!!

A Long Time Ago... say a decade almost.

Sasha wanted a dog. But she didn't want just any dog. She wanted a Maltipoo to be exact!

She thought she would get one as a graduation present, maybe. But instead she got a husband.

Husband told her one day she'd get a puppy just like she had always wanted.

For almost three years they lived happily in an apartment with no puppy because the tidy landlords wouldn't have it.

Instead they had hermit crabs and fish as pets. As well as numerous stuffed animal pets.

After almost three years of marriage the husband bought Sasha a house! This was very exciting and wonderful to the happy couple. And though some might argue, getting a house was not Sasha's attempt to get a puppy.

A few months afterwards, some things made Sasha believe that she'd be happy to stay at home and work/keep house. This made her husband very happy, but he knew that she might need something more than hermit crabs and fish to keep her company.

Sasha reminded her husband frequently how happy she'd be with a little furry friend, but she didn't think she'd get one until....

Well see for yourself what she found out when she received some early birthday gifts from her parents in Oklahoma.

Sadie, Sasha's parents dog, is thinking "I thought she was done opening presents. What's so special about a basket that's behind a chair?"

Sadie jumps up... "Wow!! This is no ordinary basket!! It looks like dog stuff!! "

Sadie is peeking in to look at the goodies and find the dog that isn't in there.

Sadie wasn't that interested in poop pickup bags.

Sadie wants to know what else is in there!!

Finally Sasha had to put the crate down so Sadie could go in and examine for herself.

Sadie is confused. Sasha is ELATED!!

The husband told Sasha's parents that they could get her "puppy stuff" for her birthday.
Sasha thinks she has the greatest husband and mom and dad in the world!!

Sasha's mom and dad didn't want pictures posted of them this time... but they deserve to definitely be mentioned because...

Sasha went to the store to buy the last of the dog stuff today and it was pricey. She was good though and only bought necessities...

Tomorrow the husband will take her on an hour and a half journey to go look at some female Maltipoos. Hopefully if everything goes well, she will bring one home.....


A day before her birthday. (Which is Friday)