Monday, November 24, 2008

blue bites today...where's the ship?

Jared and I woke up to fly overs this morning!  I went out to see what was going on and saw four planes in a diamond formation going over the house.  Pop Gott went outside too and said it was the "Blue Angels" flying over and that they were probably doing winter training from Pensacola.  They flew over off and on all day and I was able to get some shots of them practicing.
I've been fascinated with fighting planes for awhile. Always when Daddy would hear them coming, he would go on the porch to look at them and I'd always try to make it out there with him before they flew out of my sight.  Daddy can usually identify the planes and I think that's always really cool.

After eating we went to Fort Morgan's pier to go fishing and crabbing.  Sadly we didn't catch anything but a hermit crab.  But I did get some good pictures of us fishing.  I've had to be a little more choosy in posting pics because it's taking longer than usual to post.  The below picture is my favorite one of Jared and I fishing today.  It's actually taken at the beach later this afternoon.

Believe it or not, the picture below is part of a ship that washed up on shore during Gustav.  The ship beneath the sand was supposed to be an old Cival War ship.  When we arrived we were quite disappointed that the city had covered the ship with sand.  We had seen such cool pictures on the internet! It turned out that having a washed up ship with metal things sticking out of it was dangerous.... thus the burial.  Our thought is 100 years from now some kid will dig it up and they'll make a big deal about finding an old ship in the sand! HA!

To close out, below is a picture of our beach house and our view off the porch towards the ocean.  You can see the ocean out some of the other windows a little better, but I like sitting on the porch.  It's been another good day.  Oh and since all my friends are blogging about Christmas cards... I made three tonight!  I'll try to post pictures of these later maybe :o)

The picture below is antiqued a little.  I'm trying to learn how to add cool coloring to my pictures.  I need some practice though.. :o)


Stephanie said...

Sounds like you all are having a great time! I like the "altered" coloring on your picture - could be a card! Have fun and watch out for those hermit crabs!

Becky W said...

So glad you are having a good time - you deserved it!! Keep having fun!!

Sandy said...

Love the pictures! Hope you guys have an awesome Thanksgiving tomorrow.